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Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP)
Finding Aid
Records mentioning Executive Order 13526 § 1. 7 or § 1.8, or any subsection thereof
Scope and Content
The materials in NGC21-003 are a selective, not necessarily all-inclusive, body of documents responsive to the topic of the FOIA request. Researchers should consult an archivist about related materials.
NGC21-003 requested materials related to records mentioning Executive Order 13526 § 1. 7 or § 1.8, or any subsection thereof. This case primarily contains correspondence, investigative materials, news articles, notes, and reports. These materials are from the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Board (ISCAP) files and consist of materials related to classification appeals and mandatory declassification reviews received by ISCAP on prepublication reviews, military handbooks, and military information disclosures.
5 folders, approximately 271 pages
Official records of Barack Obama’s presidency are holdings of the Barack Obama Presidential Library and administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act (PRA).
General Files
- Camerino, Tony, Maj., USAFF Classification Challenge "How to break a terros *2008-039 2009-002
- Swift, Russ 12/2/2009, Navy Class Challenge (6/22/2009) 2010-045
- Calioto, Dante 07/25/2016 Classification Challenge 2016-218
Unclassified and Closed Appeal Files